Hiring a cleaning company is an essential part of running a successful business. Cleanliness and hygiene are important for a healthy work environment, and ensuring that your premises are properly maintained is an important part of keeping your employees and customers safe. However, it’s not just about the cleanliness of the premises – businesses need to make sure they are getting the most out of their cleaning company.

1. Choose the Right Cleaning Company

The first step in making sure you get the most out of your cleaning company is to choose the right one. Look for a company that offers a comprehensive range of services and has experience in dealing with different types of premises. It’s also important to check references and reviews to make sure that the company can deliver on its promises. A good way to do this is to look up customer reviews online, as well as asking other businesses in your area what companies they use. This will help you find a reputable cleaning company that meets your needs.

When choosing a cleaning company, consider what type of services you need, as well as how often these services will be required. For example, if you require regular deep cleans then look for a company that specialises in this type of service. Additionally, you should consider the cost of the service, as well as any additional costs such as travel expenses or specialised equipment.

2. Set Clear Expectations

It’s important to have clear expectations when it comes to your cleaning service. Make sure that both you and the cleaning company are on the same page when it comes to the scope of work and the level of service expected. This will help ensure that you get the most out of your cleaning company.

When setting expectations, consider what tasks need to be completed and how often they should be done. For example, if you require daily vacuuming then make sure this is included in your agreement with the cleaning company. You should also discuss any additional tasks such as window cleaning or dusting, as well as any special requests such as cleaning specific areas on certain days.

It’s also important to discuss payment terms with your cleaning company. Be sure to agree on a rate that is fair for both parties and set up an invoice system so that payments can be made on time.

3. Develop a Cleaning Schedule

Once you’ve chosen a cleaning company and set clear expectations, it’s time to develop a cleaning schedule. A good cleaning schedule should include regular daily, weekly, and monthly tasks as well as any special tasks that may be needed from time to time. Having a schedule in place will help ensure that all areas of your premises are cleaned regularly and thoroughly.

When developing a cleaning schedule, consider how often each task needs to be done and which areas should be prioritised. For example, bathrooms should be cleaned more frequently than other areas due to their high levels of traffic. Additionally, high-touch surfaces such as door handles and light switches should be cleaned regularly to prevent the spread of germs.

4. Monitor Cleaning Performance

Monitoring the performance of your cleaning company is essential for making sure you get the most out of your service. Regularly review how well they are meeting your expectations and if there are any areas where they could improve. If necessary, provide feedback or discuss changes with them.

One way to monitor performance is by conducting regular inspections of the premises after each clean. This will help you identify any areas where more attention may be needed or where improvements could be made. Additionally, it’s important to stay in communication with your cleaning company so that any issues can be addressed quickly.

5. Take Advantage of New Technologies

Cleaning companies are increasingly taking advantage of new technologies such as robotic vacuums, automated scrubbers, and other advanced tools to make their services more efficient and effective. Ask your cleaning company if they offer any of these services and take full advantage of them if they do.

For example, robotic vacuums can save time by automatically navigating around obstacles and reaching hard-to-reach spots without requiring manual guidance from an operator. Automated scrubbers can also save time by quickly scrubbing large surfaces such as floors with minimal effort from an operator. Taking advantage of these technologies can help make sure that your premises are kept clean with minimal effort.

6. Negotiate Price

The price you pay for your cleaning service is an important factor in making sure you get the most out of your cleaning company. Don’t be afraid to negotiate a better rate if you feel that you’re not getting value for money. Many companies are willing to offer discounts or other incentives if you commit to a longer contract.

Additionally, some companies offer packages which include multiple services at discounted rates compared to purchasing each service separately. Consider these options when negotiating price so that you can get maximum value for money.

7. Look for Added Benefits

Finally, look for added benefits when choosing a cleaning company. Many companies offer additional services such as carpet cleaning or window washing at discounted rates if you sign up for a long-term contract. Taking advantage of these added benefits can help you get even more value from your cleaning service.

In conclusion, businesses can make sure they are getting the most out of their cleaning company by choosing the right one, setting clear expectations, developing an effective cleaning schedule, monitoring performance, taking advantage of new technologies, negotiating price, and looking for added benefits.

Additional Tips:

1) Make sure employees understand proper hygiene practices:

It's important that employees understand proper hygiene practices while working in order to reduce the spread of germs and bacteria within the workplace environment. Encourage employees to practice proper handwashing techniques between tasks and before eating or drinking anything while onsite - this will help keep everyone healthy! Additionally, remind employees not to touch their face or mouth while working and ask them to cover coughs or sneezes with their arm instead of their hands.

2) Invest in quality products:

Investing in quality products is key when it comes to getting the most out of your cleaning service - using high-quality products ensures that surfaces are properly disinfected without leaving behind streaks or residue which could cause health risks down the line.

3) Use green products:

Using green products helps reduce environmental impact while still providing effective results - many green products are now available on the market which use natural ingredients instead of harsh chemicals and leave behind less waste than traditional cleaners.

4) Train staff on proper use:

Training staff on proper use is essential when it comes to getting the most out of your cleaning service - make sure staff know how to use each product correctly and safely so that no accidents occur while using them! Additionally, teaching staff about proper storage techniques will help extend product life and reduce waste.